
Islington Carers Hub

Islington Carers Hub is a service provided by Age UK Islington, funded by Islington Council.

We have an Islington Carers Partnership Network and work in partnership with services providing support for carers. This includes services for specific health conditions, disabilities or support for younger carers.

Two men.  One has learning difficulties and has headphones on.

About Islington Carers Hub

Age UK Islington who runs the Islington Carers Hub service can provide support to the person you’re caring for. This could be help staying independent at home, with money worries, mobility issues or help to get out and about, plus more.

We have a helpline for carers and provide face-to-face appointments to help with practical, financial and emotional issues. We also provide carers assessments, celebrate the contribution of carers, run free and affordable events and help them to get a break.

Our Services for carers in Islington

Islington Carers Hub have a host of services to support you.  Not only during the period the person you care for is in or being discharged from hospital but for all the time you are a carer.

Education, employment and training

As a working carer, you should be aware of your employment rights, including your right to request flexible working.  If you’re caring for somebody full-time, there may come a time when you want or need to return to paid work.

Health & Wellbeing

Carers play an important role in looking after the health of the person they are looking after and it’s a good idea to let your GP know that you’re a carer.

Future Planning

It’s also important to plan ahead and to have documents such as Lasting Powers of Attorney in place.  This means that if the person you are caring for is unable to look after their affairs, then people they’ve nominated and trust can act on their behalf.

Money Advice

Islington Carers Hub can help you understand the process of applying for benefits, information about different types of benefits or how to go about managing debt.

Emergency Planning

An Emergency Carers card can provide you with peace of mind, allowing someone you’ve nominated to step in, until you can resume your caring responsibilities. Islington Carers Hub can support you to join the Carers Emergency Card Scheme.

Carers Assessments

There’s a lot to juggle when you’re caring for someone and it can leave you feeling emotionally and physically exhausted, which is why it’s really important to look after your own needs. All carers are entitled by law to a carer’s assessment too, to see what support might help you in your caring role.